
Friday, September 30, 2022

The Rains - Joyce Brown - "Frozen Rain"

In the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains temperatures can vary dramatically at all times of the year. A day can start off at 40 below and a "Chinook" can blow in and within hours it can be 20 above. Conversely, during a nice, summer rain the temperature can drop and the rain turns to sleet, and then freezes. The berries on my Mountain Ash  tree look beautiful under the slush.

I dyed the background fabric, stitched on cord as the branches, and made little berries out of fabric with painted calyx.

Once the berries were stitched on it was time to add the slush. A hot glue gun and white glue were dribbled down the piece. Silver glitter was sprinkled into the wet glue.                                             



  1. Cool idea to make hot glue and glitter frost. It looks great!

  2. Very Nice! Great idea with the glue and glitter. It's always interesting to see the different ways artists use to get that wet look.

  3. Very interesting idea .....and lot of work too! Beautiful!
