
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Abstract - Arti - “Multiplicity”


The idea of the self is a concept that has been explored for aeons, and indeed within my own work. This quilt deals with the idea that a self can be one; and many. When we first hear about the self, it seems like a very selfish concept. There exists a sharp distinction between what is called the Self and the Other. However, a theory worth exploring is the existence of the many within the self. It can be argued that an individual is made of multiple identities. Their role as a member of society, as a mother, father, child, make up a person. Even then, it could be said that there exist many versions of the same person within one individual. If you’ve ever argued the validity of something with yourself, or had a conversation with yourself, you exist as the singular self, but are effectively split in two so as to converse. This quilt explores the expression of such an abstract concept. 

My submission for the “Abstract “ challenge. 
Techniques used Machine Free Motion Quilting. 
Neon colours used on Black background. 

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