
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Reflections - Deepa Vasudevan - "Sunrise over the Bay of Bengal"

I always find sunrises so uplifting to my mood and spirits!
The most memorable sunrise I have seen is the sun rising over the Bay of Bengal one January morning when I took an early morning flight from Chennai to Calcutta. Everything was pitch dark- the sky, the sea. Then there was this beautiful red line at the horizon and the loveliest shade of blue over it.
My work is inspired by that January morning. While my "Sunrise over the Bay of Bengal" doesn't do justice to the actual image, I would just consider this as my first attempt.:)

Techniques used:
I have tried 2 techniques-
The upper half sky has QAYG inspired by the beautiful works of Ann Brauer and the bottom half reflection in the water is the interweaving technique which I just experimented with.

The inspiration


  1. What a beautiful inspiration photo. I love the way the bottom technique really gives the feel of the airplane wing. Great Piece!
    MaryEllen Sax

  2. From Vivian’s iPad … your reflection is a very strong image … great design!
