
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Flights of Fantasy - Jay Dodds

     I finally have my "Flights of Fantasy" ready to post!  I loved doing this theme! I knew when it was first introduced what I wanted to do...I love pictures on the Internet from NASA...the Nebulas, the Constellations, etc. so I knew I wanted to use one of those for my basis.
NASA Picture
Then using black Kona cotton for my fabric background and Derwent watercolor blocks, I created my own picture of space!

My "Flights of Fantasy"
       Of course I had to add the "flight" and the "fantasy".  I am a fan of the Syfy character "Dr. Who" I thought his Time Machine, the Tardis would be a nice touch of fantasy....flying through space!  Now I know that Science Fiction is just that...fiction...or is it?????

A closeup of The Tardis!
And I have no excuse for being late so I want to offer my apology to the group with the promise that I will really try to be on time from now on!!!!


  1. Apology not required. This is just the best example of Flights of Fantasy and the time machine is the cat's meow.

  2. Love it! TARDIS is great. Is that some beadwork as well?

  3. You have nailed it Jay. I like the effects you have achieved with the Derwent blocks. The Tardis is the perfect addition. Love it!

  4. This is really interesting!!! I need to go back and enlarge the pic...I want to know how you did this!! Great job!~

  5. This is such a great version of the theme. I also love some of the awesome pics from NASA and Dr Who was a great touch of fantasy.

  6. love! Love!! LOVE your quilt!!! Totally awesome!

  7. So interesting, great work. Love how you did it.

  8. I love that you included the Tardis! What a fun piece!

  9. Adding the Tardis was a touch of inspiration, love your piece.

  10. Wow! great piece Jay. Love how you have filled the space.
